We always start our Sunday services with a block of worship where we can draw close to God as we worship Jesus for who He is, asking the Holy Spirit to come close as we seek to be in God's presence.

We run a separate time for the children and youth half way through the service where they can spend time together with various activities, again in the presence of God.

Whoever is speaking is asked to seek God, asking the Holy Spirit for what He wants to say to us 'today'. Regularly the word shared fits in with the worship songs and previous content not known by that week's speaker - God is at work and we seek to flow in what He is saying and doing!

We share communion within services remembering and celebrating Jesus' death and resurrection.

Once a month (usually the last Sunday), we all stay together for the whole service. The service has varied content and always is based around tables with refreshments 'on-tap' as per a Cafe environment.

At the end of a service we have refreshments, teas, coffees, cakes etc. This is a great time to chat, catch-up, pray with someone, or get to make new friends.